Each SC Works Center has a resource room for job seekers, but you can also start your job search online. The following links can connect you to jobs near and far.
Local Job Postings
- Anderson County
- Anderson Independent-Mail
- AnMed Health
- Clemson University
- Greenville County
- Greenville County Schools
- Greenville Hospital System
- Greenville News
- Greenville OneStop
- Greenville Technical College
- Oconee County Jobs
- Oconee County Schools
- SC Department of Employment and Workforce
- SC Information Highway
- St. Francis Hospital
- State Jobs
- South Carolina Jobs Directory
- Tri-County Technical College
General Job Searches
- Career Jet
- Career OneStop
- Best Jobs in USA
- Campus Career Center
- Career.com
- Experience
- Job Bank USA
- Monster.com
- Universe Jobs
- USA Jobs
- Yahoo Hot Jobs
If your company or website offers job searching or other employment resources and you want to be added to our list of resources, contact us at (864) 646-1515.
Other Resources
- Best Driver Job
- Black Collegian
- Career Journal
- Career Magazine
- College Grad
- Computer Jobs
- Cool Jobs
- Dice
- Disabled Persons
- Dow Jones
- FlipDog
- Georgia Dept. of Labor
- Georgia State Jobs
- Health Care Jobs Online
- Health Care Jobs
- Head Hunters
- Hispanic Job Help
- International Employment
- Nation Jobs
- National Association of Employers
- Overseas Job Express
- Snag A Job
- The State Newspaper
- Think Jobs
- Truck Driving Jobs
- Truck Driver Recruiting
- University Job Bank
- U.S. Department of Labor
- Wetfeet