
Workforce Development Board

Staff Liaison: Jennifer Kelly

Meetings will be held at 1:00 p.m. at the Madren Center in Clemson unless otherwise noted. Lunch will be held at 12:00 p.m. (noon) immediately preceding the meeting.  Upcoming Meetings for 2024: Feb 7, Apr 3, May 29, Sept 4, Nov 6.

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Executive Committee

Meetings will be held as needed.

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Finance Committee

This committee establishes an annual budget; serves as the audit and monitoring committee; establishes and implements a plan to leverage and increase the funds within the organization; establishes strategies for the development of organizational products and services that can be sold to generate unrestricted resources for the organization; and develops personnel policies for the organization.  Staff Liaison: Jennifer Kelly

Meetings will be held at 3:00 p.m. at the Clemson SC Works Center. Upcoming Meetings for 2024: Jan 24, Mar 27, May 22, Aug 28, Oct 30.

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Youth Committee

The Youth Council serves as the WDB’s architect for a comprehensive youth service delivery system in the WorkLink region.  Staff Liaison: Sharon Crite

Meetings will be held at 11:00 a.m. at the Clemson SC Works Center. Upcoming Meetings for 2024: Jan 23, Mar 5, May 7, Aug 6, Oct 1.

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OneStop Operations Committee

This committee supports the alignment of entities that work in partnership to promote, develop and organize on-going activities and services to continually advance the skills of the regional workforce as well as develops actions and implements strategies to address business needs and increase business involvement in workforce development activities.  Staff Liaison: Jennifer Campbell

Meetings will be held at 3:00 p.m. at the Clemson SC Works Center.  Upcoming Meetings for 2024: Jan 17, Mar 20, May 15, Aug 21, Oct 16.

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Priority Populations Committee

This committee provides information and assists with operational and other issues related to compliance with non-discrimination and applicable accessibility requirements as outlined in WIOA Section 188 Disability Reference Guide. Staff Liaison: Windy Graham

Meetings will be held at 3:00 p.m. at the Clemson SC Works Center. Upcoming Meetings for 2024: Jan 9, Mar 12, May 14, Aug 13, and Oct 8.

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American Job Center