Search for Qualified Candidates

Look for qualified candidates by logging in or by signing up for a free Employer account through SC Works.
SC Works Online Services (SCWOS) allows employers to post positions, search and prescreen candidates, and review job market trends at no cost to you.
What can SCWOS do for you? As an employer, you can:
- Receive updates of candidates that meet your job qualifications.
- Review employment trends.
- Post your job for free.
To register or log in to SCWOS, click here.
All new employer accounts must be verified. Once approved, you will be notified via the email address you provided. For assistance with this process, please call (864) 634-0071.
Work with an SC Works Recruiter
All new employer accounts must be verified. Once approved, you will be notified via the email address you provided. For assistance with this process, please call (864) 634-0071.
Some of the benefits you can take advantage of by working with an SC Works Recruiter include:
- Writing a job description that meets your needs.
- Determining appropriate wages for a job opening based on Labor Market trends.
- Posting a job opening in SCWOS.
- Customizing a screening process to save time finding the right candidates.
- Assessing your workforce through WIN testing.
- Apply for funding to train your next employee or retrain your current workforce.
Talk to a Business Services Representative by calling (864) 643-0071.